Sunday, March 9, 2008

Birds on the Bay

This morning took me (very early plus the time change) to Tsawassen for a photography seminar called Birds on the Bay. Whoever decided on the date clearly wasn't thinking of the time change. Being in Tsawassen for 9am on the morning after a time change was pure evil. Mind you, I was the youngest person there, so it was probably only a problem for me. I doubt anyone else also had a 5 month old waking through the night to deal with.
Never the less. The seminar was put on by a local nature enthusiast, Ursula Easterbrook, through the parks and rec dept. She is a general photographer who insists she isn't into bird photography, even though she is teaching a class on it. She lectured for about 2 hours and then we went out onto Boundary Bay and did some shooting.
There weren't a lot of interesting (to me) birds to shoot. There was an eagle in the parking lot tree, and a crane out in the bay but mostly gulls and ducks. And to me, you see one duck, you have seen them all. OK well, mallards. Dad and I saw well over 10 eagles on the way in. There are always plenty along Hwy 99.
I took a bunch of the nature of the beach instead, I am trying to post them but its not working. I will keep trying because I want to share my favs of the day.
I did enjoy the seminar and I learned some new things. Dad and I felt a little under-equipped today. We were the only ones with out an SLR with a big zoom lens at the end. Yes, I had equipment envy today. Big time!
It was also the longest I have left Kaylum. I was a little concerned about my boobies going undrained for 6 hours as that is not typical for us, even at night. But it all went well. Sean only needed to give him one bottle and I was home in time for Kaylum's next feed. That boy can smell me from a mile away! The time change has thrown me off a bit along with being up early. We all had a nap this afternoon and Mom and Dad are coming for dinner tonight. Tonight we shall be guitar heroes once again!

My Dad

If you look carefully on this one, you can see a wee spider. I didn't see it until I downloaded the pics!


cathy said...

I love how you and your Dad have a love of photography and you go together!

So cool. Can't wait to see your pics.

PS. Remember the equipment is only as good as the user!!! Maybe they sucked lol!

Happy day to you!


Sarah said...

It was so nice to go out with Dad today and just shoot things. Not have to keep one eye on the subject and one on the kids. Or feel rushed at all. Just wander and click away!

Its funny you mention that about people sucking. We said the same thing!

cathy said...

You got some great shots!

I cannot wait to get out shooting sans children and take my time!

Jillian Kirby said...

Wow Sarah! You have got a great eye for composition!! Just goes to show that equipment doesn't equal good photography! Your work is awesome!!

Really... you should blow these up and hang them as art on your walls! You really should be proud!!

Sarah said...

Thanks Jill! You made my day!
I actually am going to frame a couple, now to find a wall.......