Sunday, June 22, 2008

Vacation Blog

I'm on a road trip with the family, check it out!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Prune Face

I have been feeding Kaylum a lot of prunes lately. And I think he is finally tired of them, as this is what he has taken to doing with them!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Well Kylie is one tooth short today. My little girl lost her first tooth!
She was playing with her brother well all of a sudden she announces, MY TOOTH FELL OUT!!!
There it was laying on the floor and a there's a hole in her head, bleeding. Yuck! I cleaned her up, she called her Daddy and then my parents. I put the wee little tooth in a little clear bag for her and she carried it around with her all day. We had a moment where it was lost tonight and Kylie was very upset but it was found. It now lies beneath her pillow waiting for the tooth fairy's arrival. Kylie said she thinks the tooth fairy will leave her 10 BUCKS!! Ouch, we will have to see about that!

Glasses Shopping

Titanium, you would think it strong, have been told its one of the strongest metals, and yet when it comes to titanium framed glasses, not so much. Sean's glasses have finally bit it. I believe our son got a hold of them and finished them.
The demise of this awesome pair of glasses started when Keira was just about 2, it was a day before we were leaving for Powell River for the weekend. I went into my room and there she was with Daddy's glasses in hand, saying "Daddy's!" Hmm, something was wrong, oh, it was the arm sticking straight up in the air! EEEKKKK!!! I ran them out the the place we bought them (they were only a few months old at this point) and told the tech, titanium vs. 22 month old! 22 month old, won!! He was shocked.
I guess they were never the same after that. Kaylum has got a hold of them a couple times as Sean forgets to put them up high (he doesn't wear them to work). Yesterday it took them off of him again and though, hmm, the arm isn't suppose to be that wide. It was easily moved back and yet I thought again, titanium hmmmm? And when Sean put them on last night, they just fell apart. So, here we are a few days away from our vacation, and this is not the expense we are looking for. We are going glasses shopping today, cuz you can't go on vacation, if you can't see!


When we bought this house 3 years ago, I was excited to see I had a peony plant in the front yard and it was HUGE!! When we moved in, I found we had 2. The second one never bloomed, it was in a bad place so I moved it last year, it still didn't bloom and this year, I got one bloom. So I cut it and brought it into the house! And here it is! The other plant I have is a lighter shade of pink and much more fragrant. Its my favorite part of June, to be able to cut a big bunch of peonies and bring them into the house. They smell soooooo good. I am optimistic that this magenta coloured bush will finish pouting over the fact it got moved and will give me a big bounty next year!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

Yesterday was Father's Day! My children are so lucky to have a Dad like Sean. They are his life and everything he does, he does for them! He is a hands on Dad, not afraid to change a poopy bum or give a bath. He plays games and goes for walks with the kids. Involves them in anything he is doing, weather its putting dishes away, cleaning the van or cutting the lawn. They adore Sean. Want to be with him every minute of the day and always have a count down to how many days of work left until his day off!

The girls and I went to the local ceramics place last week and made Sean 2 mugs for his gift. They had a blast doing it and were so excited to give it to them. They were great at keeping the secret. They were in our room very early yesterday morning and I had to keep telling them to go watch tv and let Daddy sleep. Eventually Kylie started to yell from the other room for Sean to wake up. It was funny. Sean loved his mugs and made sure he had 2 cups of coffee yesterday morning so they both got used. He said his coffee tasted better in a hand made mug!

Yesterday we went for a picnic at one of our favorite parks. It was a beautiful sunny day, something very rare lately. We had some fun playing in the creek and at the playground. After we did a couple errands and drove around while the kids had a nap. Later my parents joined us for a BBQ steak dinner to finish off a great day!
Happy Father's Day Sean! WE LOVE YOU!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Right now

I am listening to the girls argue about Ashleigh and if she is Kylie's friend or just Keira's. Kylie is telling Keira that she is and that she doesn't want to argue today. Keira just fell of her chair screaming, SHE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND!!
They are making birthday cards for her. I don't know why it has to be a competition. But really Ash is Keira's pre-school friend. They are so cute together and I am glad Keira has some friend's her own age that weren't Kylie's friends first.

We had a little play date at the park yesterday.

So really I am just procrastinating paying bills. I always do this, sit down at the computer, get everything organized and then look on Facebook, in the blogs, do everything but pay the bills and then oh! baby is up. And that is what has happened again. I can hear the little dude on the monitor. I swear that nap wasn't even an hour.

I am so glad today is Friday. This week seems to be long. Maybe cuz Sean seemed to work a lot this week. He was on call so there was a few extra jobs at night and on the weekend plus he worked Saturday. So I am looking forward to a nice weekend with hopefully some sun and a fun Father's Day. I can't wait to give him and my Dad their gifts!

Yesterday the sun came out! Can you imagine! Only for a little bit. We went to a birthday party at a great park and then went to another park for a play date with my photog friends and their kiddos. It was a great day! But we were all tuckered by the end.

Well that's all the time babe is allowing. Have a great weekend!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Fat Lip

My poor Mr Baby got 2 fat lips yesterday. One at the park, Sean was playing with him and Kaylum banged his face. Nothing major. Then last night he was sitting in the laundry basket and I walked out of the room. So I learned the hard way, this trick doesn't work anymore, especially with a crawling baby! He tried to climb out and fell over and banged his face. Gave himself an even bigger fat lip in the same place as the first one and a bloody nose. Sean was out on a call at the time with Kylie. I had blood all over my shirt. Good thing it was my pajama shirt and not the brand new one I just had on. Poor Kaylum, he was fine, just banged up. His lip was terrible looking, so big and puffy. Today he was fine, it went back to normal and there is just a little cut on it. I think this little guy is going to have his fair share of bangs and bumps. He is busy and into everything. Still, I feel like a dummy for not making sure he was safe before I left the room.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

blackberry blogging

Blogging via a blackberry: doesn't work so great, I have already tried writing this once. I am sitting in the car with one sleeping child, and a restless baby while Sean goes and exchanges his work boots, again. This has become an errand we make about once a month. Pretty soon they are going to ban us from the store. Maybe they should just make better boots! Oh wait, I am told they will be. LOL!
Wednesday was the coldest June in over 50 years! 10 degrees is not right. I even had to turn on the furnace, that's even more un-natural! The girls have been pent up all week and we finally got out yesterday to the park so they could run around and the sun even made an appearance for us. Felt so good! I hope we see more of that warm yellow goodness soon!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008