Friday, October 3, 2008

All Done

Well its been a week on no nursing, so I guess we are officially done.
I am really proud that we went as long as we did: 1 year and 2 days!! I always wanted to go that long with the girls but only made it to 8 months with Kylie and 5 with Keira. But with them, I was done. With Kaylum I didn't mind it going to a year. I did mind a bit when he would stand on me while still attached. LOL!

I really enjoyed the nursing relationship Kaylum and I had, maybe because I feel I really got it right the third time around, I don't know. But this time it felt easy. I didn't mind "whipping" out my boob wherever and whenever. I didn't care who was looking (really what were you going to see, Mr Pervey guy in the mall) and I didn't care how long he nursed for or how often.

I will miss the cuddle time with him. The nice quiet get aways to my room where I could have some down time with him. I also got a lot of reading done. He's not that cuddly anymore, too much to do, and that makes me a little sad. But I am also happy to move on and have my body back and have "things" get back to normal again.

1 comment:

cathy said...

Congratulations Sarah!