Kaylum and I had a little practice run earlier this week with board-mall-Santa. He wasn't getting anywhere near Santa or letting me put him down. But he did talk to him and learned a very big life lesson, Santa=Candy Canes!! Just wait until he learns Santa=Presents!
Today was no different with photo-session-Santa. Kaylum clung to Sean and didn't want down. He talked to Santa and the girls were happy to get up on Santa's lap. Keira wants a Hannah Montana Barbie and a Ballerina Lamb and Kylie wants a microscope and a Polly Pocket hospital. Kaylum told Santa he wanted a puzzle. I love that, because he remembered from last week when we were in Wal Mart and he saw a puzzle with Buzz and Woody (his current favs) on it and he wanted it. I told him to ask Santa for it and he did!
Here are a couple images from the session. I really like this idea. No stress and no tears.